Dr. Hao Lyu, Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Physics, Shanghai University
Shangda Road No. 99, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China
Email: lyuhao@shu.edu.cn
Sep. 2015-Jun. 2018 Ph.D. in Physics
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sep. 2012-Jun. 2015 M. Eng. in Optical Engineering
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sep. 2007-Jun.2012 B. Eng. in Electronic science and technology
School of Precision Instruments and Optoelectronics Engineering, Tianjin University
Apr.2019-present Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Physics, Shanghai University
Supervisor: Prof. Yongping Zhang
Research interests:
Ultracold atomic physics
Quantum Simulations
Lattice gauge theory
Main Publications:
[1] H. Lü, C. Wang, L. Yang, and H. Jing, Optomechanically induced transparency at exceptional points, Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 014006 (2018).
[2] H. Lü, S. K. Özdemir, L. M. Kuang, F. Nori, and H. Jing, Exceptional points in random-defect phonon lasers, Phys. Rev. Applied 8, 044020 (2017).
[3] H. Lü, Y. Jiang, Y.-Z. Wang, and H. Jing, Optomechanically induced transparency in a spinning resonator, Photonics Res. 5, 367 (2017).
[4] H. Lü, S.-B. Zhu, J. Qian, and Y.-Z. Wang. Spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates with Rydberg-dressing interaction, Chin. Phys. B 24, 090308 (2015).
[5] Y. Jiang, H. Lü, and H. Jing. Superradiance-driven phonon laser. Chin. Phys. Lett. 35, 044205 (2018).
[6] Y. Jiao, H. Lü, J. Qian, Y. Li, and H. Jing, Nonlinear optomechanics with gain and loss: Amplifying higher-order sideband and group delay, New J. Phys. 18, 083034 (2016).
[7] H. Jing, Ş. K. Özdemir, H. Lü, and F. Nori, High-order exceptional points in optomechanics, Sci. Rep. 7, 3386 (2017).
[8] B.-N. Jiang, H. Lv, W.-L. Wang, J. Du, J. Qian, and Y.-Z. Wang, Cyclotron dynamics of a Kondo singlet in a spin-orbit-coupled alkaline-earth-metal atomic gas, Phys. Rev. A 90, 053631 (2014)
Dr. Hao Lyu, Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Physics, Shanghai University
Shangda Road No. 99, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China
Email: lyuhao@shu.edu.cn
Sep. 2015-Jun. 2018 Ph.D. in Physics
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sep. 2012-Jun. 2015 M. Eng. in Optical Engineering
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sep. 2007-Jun.2012 B. Eng. in Electronic science and technology
School of Precision Instruments and Optoelectronics Engineering, Tianjin University
Apr.2019-present Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Physics, Shanghai University
Supervisor: Prof. Yongping Zhang
Research interests:
Ultracold atomic physics
Quantum Simulations
Lattice gauge theory
Main Publications:
[1] H. Lü, C. Wang, L. Yang, and H. Jing, Optomechanically induced transparency at exceptional points, Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 014006 (2018).
[2] H. Lü, S. K. Özdemir, L. M. Kuang, F. Nori, and H. Jing, Exceptional points in random-defect phonon lasers, Phys. Rev. Applied 8, 044020 (2017).
[3] H. Lü, Y. Jiang, Y.-Z. Wang, and H. Jing, Optomechanically induced transparency in a spinning resonator, Photonics Res. 5, 367 (2017).
[4] H. Lü, S.-B. Zhu, J. Qian, and Y.-Z. Wang. Spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates with Rydberg-dressing interaction, Chin. Phys. B 24, 090308 (2015).
[5] Y. Jiang, H. Lü, and H. Jing. Superradiance-driven phonon laser. Chin. Phys. Lett. 35, 044205 (2018).
[6] Y. Jiao, H. Lü, J. Qian, Y. Li, and H. Jing, Nonlinear optomechanics with gain and loss: Amplifying higher-order sideband and group delay, New J. Phys. 18, 083034 (2016).
[7] H. Jing, Ş. K. Özdemir, H. Lü, and F. Nori, High-order exceptional points in optomechanics, Sci. Rep. 7, 3386 (2017).
[8] B.-N. Jiang, H. Lv, W.-L. Wang, J. Du, J. Qian, and Y.-Z. Wang, Cyclotron dynamics of a Kondo singlet in a spin-orbit-coupled alkaline-earth-metal atomic gas, Phys. Rev. A 90, 053631 (2014)