College of Science
Shanghai University
99 Shangda Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China
Phone: +86 021 66131393 (Off.)
+86 18521771531(Mob.)
Personal Information
Date of Birth : April 3rd, 1990
Nationality : Indian
Gender: Male
Marital Status : Married
Present Position
Post-Doctoral Fellow (December, 2018 - Present)
College of Science, Shanghai University
99 Shangda Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China
Research Interests
My research interest mainly focuses on the study of coherent dynamics of quantum systems beyond adiabatic limit based on the recently developed shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) techniques. I have explored two major STA techniques, namely the transitionless quantum driving and the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant based STA method in my studies. We have studied entangled state preparation using the STA methods with very high fidelity rate. Not only in quantum systems but also in seemingly different areas of physics which are not particularly quantum in nature, we have exploited these techniques. For example, we studied the STA methods in the context of optical waveguides for achieving fast power transfer and soliton compression in comparatively small waveguide lengths. Even in the field of wireless power transfer, these STA methods proved to be useful and could be used to enhance efficiencies. My ongoing research is focused on the robust engineering of the nonlinear physical processes such as frequency mixing and soliton engineering in ultracold atomic systems. Apart from these, I wish to extend my study in this topic to various contemporary fields, such as superconducting circuits, Quantum Optomechanics, Quantum thermosdyna-mics, Quantum computation etc. and to the optimization and development of the STA methods as a whole.
Journal Articles
1. Shortcut to adiabatic passage in a waveguide coupler with a complex hyperbolic-secant scheme, Koushik Paul and Amarendra K. Sarma, Phys. Rev. A 91 (2015) 053406
2. High-fidelity entangled Bell states via shortcuts to adiabaticity, Koushik Paul and Amarendra K. Sarma, Phys. Rev. A 94 (2016) 052303 (appeared in Kaleidoscope )
3. Fast and efficient wireless power transfer via transitionless quantum driving, Koushik Paul and Amarendra K. Sarma, Sci. Rep. 8 (2018) 4134
4. Nonlinear compression of temporal solitons in an optical waveguide via inverse engineering, Koushik Paul and Amarendra K. Sarma, Europhys. Lett. (2018) 64001
Conferences Proceedings
5. Efficient shortcut techniques in evanescently coupled waveguides, Koushik Paul and Amarendra K. Sarma, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 759 (2016) 012056
6. Creation of entangled states via Transitionless Quantum Driving, Koushik Paul and Amarendra K. Sarma, 13th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (online), paper W3A.30 (Optical Society of America, 2016)
Conferences attended
1. Presented poster entitled “Efficient shortcut techniques in evanescently coupled waveguides" at XXVII IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics, December 2-5,2015, IIT Guwahati, Assam, India.
2. Presented poster entitled “Creation of entangled states via Transitionless Quantum Driving at 13th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, December 4-8, 2016, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Schools/Symposiums attended
1. Participated in ICTS School and Discussion Meeting on Frontiers in Light-Matter Interactions, December 8-22, 2014, IACS, Kolkata, India
2. Presented poster entitled “Transitionless quantum driving based studies in evanescently coupled waveguides" at TEQIP Symposium to Celebrate The Year of Light, October 31, 2015, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, India.
3. Participated in ICTS program on Open Quantum Systems, July 24-28, 2017, ICTS, Bangalore, India
4. Participated in Symposium on Quantum Computing and Quantum Optics II, May 24-26, 2019, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Ph.D. (December 2012- June 2018)
Thesis Title : Inverse engineering in quantum and classical systems via shortcut to adiabaticity
Thesis Supervisor : Prof. Amarandra K. Sarma
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India
Master of Science in Physics (2010 - 2012)
University: Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal, India
Specialization : Condensed matter physics
Bachelor of Science in Physics (2007-2010)
University : Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal, India
1. Qualified GATE (Graduate Research Aptitude Test) 2013, awarded MHRD India fellowship to pursue Ph.D.
2. Qualified NET (National Eligibility Test) 2013, awarded Lectureship in physics.
Teaching Skills
1. Undergraduate experimental Lab courses (2013 to 2015).
2. Undergraduate numerical computer programming (2015 to 2016)
Computational Skills
Operating System : Linux, Windows
Programming Languages : Fortran, C
Software Packages : MatLab, Mathematica